Sunday, 27 May 2012

EDL to bring the protest to Bristol

The Bristol division of the EDL will be staging a demonstration in central Bristol on the 14 July.Already this has sent shockwaves through the far left campus.Anyone familiar with Bristol will know it's a hot bed of anarchist/socialist worker lowlife.There is a large grouping that has manifested itself around the Stokes Croft area of the city.A particulary unpleasant unwashed  gang of unemployable drug addled scumbags.This was the scene of a riot last year when a branch of Tescos was burned to the ground.These people have already joined online forums and blogs threatening the EDL with violence if they dare show there faces around "their" city.One local businessman who ran a market stall in the St Nicholas Market had all his stock trashed with white paint by these anarchists because they believed he was a fascist.Infact he is a scooter skin with a love for ska, northern soul and scooter rallies.Yet this was enough for these dickheads to vandalise his stock and ruin his livliehood.Even if he does hold extreme right wing beliefs it doesn't give anyone the right to trash his business.What next assaulting people in the street for having shaven heads and union jack tattoos?

Bristol is a hotbed for radical anarchists and the far left.

Farleft bloggers have posted cartoons of anarchists clutching baseball bats inciting violence against the EDL and urging fellow travellors to take to the streets and give the EDL a good kicking.These bastards have been known to throw calor gas bottles from roof tops onto Police and demonstrators.If the demo does get approval I hope to God it is policed properly otherwise it could turn very nasty.These lowlives are even worse than the UAF.They live in squats around Bristol don't work and they have absolutely nothing to lose.They will not care about getting arrested and will attempt to cause as much mayhem as possible.I would say if the anarchists break through into the demo then the EDL have every right to defend themselves but I don't think looking for a battle with these lowlives will do the EDL's cause any good at all.After all the media always focus on the EDL never the scum that cause trouble in the first place.We must not give the left any ammunition to use against us.If the demo can be kept peaceful then we will hold the moral highground and show these reds up for the contemptable scum they really are.

Anarchist lowlife causing mayhem in Stokes Croft

What amazes me about the far left is the fact they will use violence,intimidation and threatening behaviour against anyone that doesn't aggree with them yet they pretend to be the guardians of individual freedoms.The way this lot behave is no different to Hitler's brown shirts.The tactics are exactly the same.Wasn't it Hitler that trashed shops and broke skulls and yet the so called anti fascists are exactly the same.The EDL are a  human rights organisation protesting against a dangerous medievel cult that would take Britain back to the dark ages.If the muslim population is allowed to keep growing then the freedom of the individual will be erroded.Do the anti fash really believe they will be allowed to carry on spiking their hair,listening to punk music and swigging special brew?These idiots should look at countries like Indonesia or Iraq where people who have chosen alternative lifestyles have been persecuted and murdered.In Indonesia punk rockers have been beaten up by the authorities had their mohicans shaved off and sent to correction centres to learn the error of their ways.Pop star Lady Ga Ga was threatened by islamic fundamentalists on her recent tour of Indonesia.I cannot for the life of me understand why someone that follows a lifestyle like punk would want to defend a fascist cult like islam that would have them persecuted.Many of these people will be quite happy to have a pop at christianity but wouldn't dare be critical of islam because they wouldn't want to appear "racist".Well islam is not a race it's an idealogy.These people are being used by the far left as useless fools.If they did truly believe in individual freedom then they would let the EDL hold their demo in peace and show a bit of respect for different points of view.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The EDL Celebrates 3 years with a march through Luton

This was my second EDL demo and what a day it was!Thankfully the rain didn't make an appearance and spoil the proceedings!The march was routed to a different part of town this year away from the shopping center.We all met up at the Chequers pub next to the flyover.There was a great atmosphere of comaraderie and everyone was having fun.The Chequers pub put on a live band to entertain us and belted out classics by Oasis and Madness to name a few.There was outside stalls selling Stella and another stall selling EDL merchandise.I tucked into my wallet passed the vender a tenner and purchased an EDL tshirt which I will wear with pride to my next demo.There was another chap selling some really tasty looking enamel badges.I purchased a nice red white and blue EDL badge off him and pinned it onto my flight jacket and what a smart addition to my collection of badges!

There was divisions from all over the country and there was plenty of ST George cross flags on display emblazoned with anti jahadi slogans that will make the far left and islamo fascists foam at the mouth with rage.One chap from Chester made a very impressive placard picturing the prophet Muhammed with his child bride Aisha in a pram.A reminder of how disgusting and depraved this so called religion of peace really is!

After a few well deserved pints and a chat with Dave from Chester the clock struck 1 and it was time for the off!

The police led the marchers on horse back and foot armed with riot sheilds and truncheons.I have to say the Bedfordshire Police did a good job of controlling the demo and ensuring everyone was kept safe.There was some great singing and chanting."Keep St George in my Heart Keep me English!" followed by E-E-EDL  and "Allah,Allah who the F*** is Allah!"  I make no apology for the last chant I regard the prophet with as much distaste as I would Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.

On the whole the march went really well apart from a few dickheads determined to cause trouble by throwing cans of full lager at the police and wading into paramedics who where sent to help someone who collapsed.People who do this are mindless scum who have no business attending an EDL demo.They damage the cause and feed fuel to the critics who want to see the EDL demonised and ridiculed.If you can't march peacefully then don't march,your ruining it for everyone else!

As the march reached it's final destination we where treated with some fine speeches by Kevin Carroll and Tommy Robinson.They both made their points well and spoke with passion and belief.After listening to them you felt this is two real people speaking from experience that meant every word.Tommy made us aware of how corrupt Luton town council really is and what a useless councilor Hazel Simmons is.She still refuses to talk to the EDL and has even called Kevin a nazi.You know there losing the argument when they resort to childless name calling.

A recent islamic plot was uncovered which involved blowing up the TA Army barracks in the town.Tommy showed us all the local rag with the article.Not on the front page,not even page two but page 9...that's the level of importance.The EDL march was featured on page two because they are more worried about a few patriots peacefully demonstrating than a gang of islamic fundamentalists plotting terrorist mayhem.I think there is an air of fear when reporting such crime.They are so terrified of being accussed of "racism" they tip toe round these issues so as not to hurt the sensitivities of the islamic community or upset social cohesion.

Kevin made an important announcment,which I think will be groundbreaking!Kevin and Tommy have been appointed vice chairman (they will share the role) of the British Freedom Party.This will give patriots a sensible party to vote for that isn't led by a neo nazi (unlike the BNP) ,a party they can openly support without having to whisper and look over their shoulder.I think this partnership has huge potential.There is a huge base of working class people that have never voted in their lives because they have felt the main parties do not listen or represent their concerns.The establishment parties stopped listening to ordinary people years ago.They shy away from the islamic threat,they dodge the immigration issue and they refuse to give the people a referendum on EU membership.The British Freedom Party will give you the lot ,all you need to do is get out and vote for them!The EDL has been very successful in mobilising working class patriots to take to the streets and bring the issue of islamic fundamentalism to the public domain.For too long these issues have been brushed under the carpet by a corrupt establishment funded by Saudi  money.How many nationalist parties have managed to mobilize 3000 patriots for a street demo?The BNP never could and never will.....the next conference wouldn't fill a scout hut!

Tommy will make a great spokesman for the British Freedom Party there arn't many that can match Paxman!

Overall a successful demo and with still bigger numbers than the UAF could muster.A fantastic achievment for a movement still going strong in it's third year!May the Crusade continue!